Born in Barcelona in 1969, Nuria Balagué graduated in psychology and currently works as a Clinical Psychologist. She is mother of two girls.

Early in her life she got involved in the UEC (Unió Excursionista de Catalunya), an important Catalan alpine club where she led groups of young people (aged between 10 and 16) in outdoor activities.

As of 1992 she was instructor at ECAM (Escola Catalana d’Alta Muntanya) and EEAM (Escuela Española de Alta Montaña), and she was also Director and Instructor of Mountaineering and Climbing Sports for the Catalan government.

She published doctoral theses on the “Protocol for Psychological Training for Expeditions to High Mountains”.

She climbed peaks in the Pyrenees, Alps, Andes and in Africa, and took part in several expeditions, such as the Cleaning Expedition of Mountain Wilderness to the Annapurna in 1991, the women mountaineers expedition to Shisha Pangma, as well as the women expedition to the Everest, the Cleaning Expedition of Mountain Wilderness to Huayhuash, as well as an expedition in Bolivia.

Nuria Balagué has been a Guarantor of Mountain Wilderness International since 2004.