Rally for Mont-Blanc/Silence!
Top of Europe, Wold Mountaineering Capital, Heart of the Alps.
Shared by three countries, the Mont Blanc range is a highly emblematic place, it draws a lot of attention as in everybody’s eyes it incarnates the high mountains. That is why we all wish the Mont Blanc’s outstanding environment to be really protected and preserved.
But, today, without a specific regulation, the Mont Blanc’s kingdom of beauty and silence suffers from the increasing number of flyovers and of the insistent uproar of motors echoes .
Mont-Blanc deserves better
Currently “Espace Mont Blanc” is launching its international “Strategy for the Mont Blanc future”, that includes an “Airspace” chapter with an ambitious goal to restore quietness and serenity to the place now troubled by the permanent noise caused in some part of the range and in nearby valleys by touristic, civil and military aviation.
Always committed for a true protection of Mont Blanc, Mountain Wilderness asks Espace Mont Blanc to implement a uniform and strict regulation for motorized flyovers with the same rules as in French National Parks and Nature Reserves.
Motorized flyovers at less than 1000m over the ground should be restricted to public services only.
Mountain Wilderness invites you to gather on Sunday, June 15th in a high place of the Mont Blanc range :
> To reaffirm that Mont Blanc deserves to be protected
> To support Espace Mont Blanc’s “strategy for the future” and its “airspace” chapter
> To ask for a quick implementation of a uniform international regulation of flyovers in the Mont Blanc range.
Rally on Sunday, June 15th 2014 at 11:00 on the “Mer de Glace at the place – Les Moulins” at 2000m altitude.
With flags and signs –and no superfluous noise- we will demand a regulation protecting the quietness of the airspace in the Mont Blanc range.
(CD, BM)
Information : Practical Info-Silence (pdf), Contact silence.montblanc@mountainwilderness.fr
Press : presse@mountainwilderness.fr